Cracks appearing above your doors and windows is one of the basic signs that your foundation is in need of repair.
The foundation of your home is what holds everything together.It isn’t surprising that after years and years of holding up a house, foundations can begin to crack and wear. But how can you tell if your foundation is damaged?
Natural Causes of Foundation Damage
There are actually several things that could cause foundation damage. Most foundation problems are caused by the soil under your home. Soil can either expand or shrink depending on the weather conditions. When it is raining outside, the soil under your home expands as it absorbs the water trying to get into your foundation. But when it is dry outside, the soil under your foundation shrinks because of lack of water. This shift in pressure against your foundation can cause damage.
Did I Cause the Foundation Damage?
Homeowners can also cause damage to their home’s foundation. By over watering your plants or lawn, you are putting your home’s foundation at risk by adding excess water to the soil. The same goes for the plants in your front yard. If you install plants within five feet of your foundation, you are risking not only the life of your plants when you over water them, but the foundation as well. Another issue people cause is when they improperly install drains or a swimming pool. While swimming pools are nice to have during the summer months, water can leak from them if they are not properly installed. This added water could cause problems with your soil. The last problem is not caused by water, but an imbalanced house. Houses are built so their weight is equally distributed throughout the foundation. But when you remodel your house, the balance could be shifted and cause the foundation to crack.
Four Basic Signs and More!
There are four basic signs that happen indoors to let you know that your foundation is damaged. If you have noticed things going wrong in your home, it could be a foundation issue. The doors suddenly start sticking, the windows won’t open or close easily, and there are new cracks in the walls above your doors, windows, or where the wall meets the ceiling. While those are the four indoor signs, for a bigger picture of whether your foundation has been damaged or not you’ll have to look harder. Stair-step (stair patterned) or horizontal cracks along the wall, inward bowing along the walls, tilting chimneys, or sinking floors could all be signs of foundation damage.
These are the major signs that your home’s foundation is in need of repair. At Environmental Consulting and Contracting Group, we can help repair your damaged foundation. Our foundation and structural repair service includes a customized plan of how to fix your foundation in order to keep your house strong. We can provide epoxy crack injections, carbon fiber stabilization, helical and push piers, and even wall/floor replacement. We will have your home’s foundation fixed quickly so you can get some sleep tonight! Call us today for your free estimate.
Contact Environmental Consulting and Contracting Group
If you suspect your home has foundation or structural damage, contact the professionals at Environmental Consulting and Contracting Group. With more than 30 years in the mold remediation industry, we have the experience and tools to help you. Contact us at 410-258-3579 or 1-877-591-MOLD (6653). Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest!
Tags: foundation repair, Information, repair, structural repair