When you set an appointment for mold remediation, be sure you take the necessary steps to prepare your home.
When you discover mold in your home, the feeling is one of discomfort in your own home, and mold remediation is the only way to get rid of that feeling for good. Left unchecked, a mold issue can spread throughout your basement, your attic, and even inside your walls. This is especially true in a humid climate such as ours. Mold can cause health issues ranging from minor allergy-like symptoms, all the way to severe reactions. At the first sign of mold, you should be sure to get the ball rolling towards the process of mold remediation. Once you set an appointment for mold remediation, how do you prepare?
Preparing for Mold Remediation
- When you call professionals like Environmental Consulting and Contracting Group for mold remediation, the first thing you need to know, is that you should leave belongings as they are. Don’t take anything out of a mold infested environment, and avoid bringing anything else in. This will help avoid cross-contamination.
- Make sure that you have air quality testing carried out on your home to make sure your remediation professionals have all of the knowledge they need to get the job done right. This will give information regarding the spread, type, and air contamination of the mold in your home.
- Wash mold-affected clothing in hot water with your standard detergent. This will kill existing spores. Immediately bag the clean clothes and remove them from the area to ensure they do not become contaminated again.
- Walk through your home with your mold remediation specialist if possible, and take photos of infested areas, your furniture, your walls, and your other belongings to protect both you and your mold remediation specialist from any issues regarding property damage.
- Make arrangements for your children and your pets to spend the day. They obviously shouldn’t be at home, so arrange a babysitter or play date for your children, and have your pets stay with a family member or a friend. These steps will ensure that your home is empty and safe during remediation.
Contact Environmental Consulting and Contracting Group
If you or a family member suspects the presence of mold in your home, contact the professionals at Environmental Consulting and Contracting Group. With more than 30 years in the mold remediation industry, we have the experience and tools to help you. Contact us at 410-258-3579 or 1-877-591-MOLD (6653). Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest!