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What are the most common spots for mold growth in your home?

common mold growth locations attic

One of the most common spots for mold growth is your attic.

You already know what mold needs to grow, and you already know what signs to look for, but you have an entire home full of potential mold hot spots. It would be impossible for you to inspect every corner of your home for mold growth, but fortunately, there are some areas where mold is more likely to grow. Start with these key points in your home, and if you find evidence of mold, a professional can inspect the rest. Check out these common places for mold growth, so you can get mold remediation under way as soon as possible.


The importance of basement waterproofing is not to be understated. Water damage can be a serious pain for homeowners regardless of mold, but it also provides the moisture that is necessary for mold growth. Even if you have a properly waterproofed basement, the subterranean area of your home is still at a high risk for mold growth. These rooms tend to have poor air circulation, and are often neglected when it comes time for spring cleaning. This means that the area stays humid, and most people don’t have a chance to nip mold growth in the bud.


You almost expect mold to grow in bathrooms. Just because it’s an obvious space, doesn’t mean you should ignore it and let it happen. Bathrooms are naturally moist rooms, what with hot showers, splashing water, and sinks running regularly. There’s a general air of humidity in bathrooms, and they don’t often have the best ventilation to help alleviate that moisture. If you’ve got fans in your bathroom for ventilation, always shower with them on so that you can avoid excess moisture to the best of your abilities.


There is always the worry of roof leakage and water damage in your attic, but that isn’t the only way that moisture can make its way into your attic. Many other areas of your home ventilate into the attic, attic even more humidity to your area. This includes your dryer, kitchen, bathroom, and plumbing. All of this moisture can add up and compound any moisture that is already building in your attic. Because attics are generally not climate controlled, there is a convergence of the air in your home and the air outdoors. This temperature variance happens year-round, and is a major cause of moisture, making it a common area for mold growth.

Crawl Space

Your crawl space is at a particularly high risk of mold growth if it has unfinished soil flooring. Soil isn’t quite as prepared for dealing with moisture as other flooring options are. Natural earth holds in moisture, and while this is great for growing things, mold isn’t one of the things you want to grow.

Contact Environmental Consulting and Contracting Group

If you or a family member suspects the presence of mold in your home, contact the professionals at Environmental Consulting and Contracting Group. With more than 30 years in the mold remediation industry, we have the experience and tools to help you. Contact us at 410-258-3579 or 1-877-591-MOLD (6653). Be sure to follow us on FacebookTwitter, and Pinterest!



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Environmental Consulting and Contracting Group, Inc. is the area�s premier mold remediation firm servicing Maryland, DC, Virginia and Pennsylvania. We offer mold removal, mold remediation/abatement, mold testing, flood restoration/emergency services, basement waterproofing and foundation/structural repair.
2319 Bond Rd.