Although it seems harmless, this warm air from a steamy shower can be especially destructive to your home.
There are so many small, yet crucial parts of a house that play important roles in addressing major needs of our home. One such example of this is our bathroom exhaust fan, a feature of our bathroom that plays a critical part in keeping our bathrooms dry and free of humid air throughout the year. While an exhaust fan may not seem like a versatile tool for preventing mold growth in your bathroom, consider its many uses and its importance as a necessity in your home.
Removing Excess Moisture in the Air
One of the most obvious functions of your bathroom exhaust fan is to remove excess moisture from the air following the use of your shower, as steam and humid air can quickly become trapped in the room with little space to escape. Although it seems harmless, this warm air from a steamy shower can be especially destructive to your home, as this moisture can creep into drywall and thrive with every dose of warm air that enters the room in the future. If the exhaust fan is used consistently, it will succeed in preventing the advancement of mold growth in not only the bathroom, but also other nearby rooms in your home.
Protecting Electronics from Moisture
The use of your bathroom exhaust fan is also an important measure for keeping your electronics and light fixtures dry, as excess moisture can also cause damage to both electronic and battery operated devices that are stored in your bathroom. By getting rid of the moist, damp air in your bathroom, this fan also protects your electronics from moisture build up that may otherwise prevent them from working over time.
Saving Your Decor from Mildew
In addition to the health of your drywall and electronics, proper use of your bathroom exhaust fan can also preserve the state of your bathroom decor, as mildew and moisture in the air can deteriorate your paint and wallpaper over time. Don’t let your daily shower ruin the beauty of your interior design! Ensure that your bathroom stays clean, dry, and looking great with regular use of your exhaust fan to save your space.
Let the Professionals of Environmental Consulting and Contracting Group Eliminate Mold from Your Home
If you are concerned about moisture and the potential for mold growth in your home, call the professionals at Environmental Consulting and Contracting Group for any and all of your black mold questions. We have over 30 years combined experience in professional mold remediation and mold cleanup, so please rest assured that if there is a problem we will be able to tackle it. We offer our valued customers a lifetime guarantee against the return of mold growth because we are so confident in our work. Give us a call at 1-877-591-MOLD or visit us online for more information. To learn more ways to combat mold growth in your home, follow us on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and Google+.