When thinking about purchasing a home with mold problems, you should weigh your pros and cons carefully!
Mold can cause health problems and significantly decrease the value of a home. But with mold being discovered in home more frequently, should you miss out of your dream home because of mold or should you try to have a remediation done before moving in? Let’s take a look at mold and your next home.
The Law
Laws vary by state and sometimes by county and should be examined depending on your state. Maryland law states that sellers are required to offer information regarding any issues that may not be obvious to buyers or have been a problem in the past.
Mold Growth
Mold grows in moist temperatures and can be commonly found in basements, near unsealed windows, under air conditioner units, or in other damp areas of your home. Mold can be used to judge your potential home for previous problems such as flooding or a leak. It is always important to find out what caused the mold because it could be an indicator of a serious problem in the house.
Visibility Issues
Mold can be tricky and hide from the eyes of prospective buyers. This makes it easy for homeowners to either not disclose previous mold infestations or to be unaware of mold themselves. Before purchasing the home, make sure to hire a certified mold inspector to go over all likely areas for mold to hide. A mold inspector will be able to tell you if the house had mold previously or if there is mold hidden in the attics or crawlspaces of the home. They will also be able to identify what caused the mold and recommend what to do about it.
The Decision
After a mold inspection, you need to make your decision. Should you buy this house or keep looking for another one? Although it is your heart that led you to this point, it is now time to think rationally about your decision. Think about your budget, your health, and your time frame. Can you afford a mold remediation? Is the seller going to help pay for it or lower the price a bit? If you have to move in immediately, will the mold make you sick? These are all questions you should be answering.
The best way to get rid of your mold is to call an experienced mold remediation company. Quick fixes will often lead to more mold infesting your home and will prolong the problem. Environmental Consulting and Contracting Group’s mold testing and mold remediation services will help you get your new home mold free and lovable. Mold must be completely removed to eliminate the possibility of illness in your home.
If you have decided to buy your dream home, try talking to the owners to see if there is a way to negotiate money for either closing costs or to help pay for remediation. If you decide to buy the home with or without their help, make sure you call a mold specialist into the house before moving in. For mold services, call Environmental Consulting and Contracting Group today!
Contact Environmental Consulting and Contracting Group
If you or a family member suspects the presence of mold in your home, contact the professionals at Environmental Consulting and Contracting Group. With more than 30 years in the mold remediation industry, we have the experience and tools to help you. Contact us at 410-258-3579 or 1-877-591-MOLD (6653). Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest!
Tags: Household Mold, mold