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What to Do with Your Mold Allergies?

Mold allergies

Mold can cause the same allergy symptoms as seasonal allergies. So if your allergies aren’t getting better, you may have mold in your home.

You have been sneezing nonstop and have determined it is “just that time of year.” But are your allergy symptoms really seasonal allergies or could they be caused by mold growing in your home? Let’s take a moment to discuss what are some regular season allergy symptoms and what are mold allergy symptoms as well as how to deal with the mold allergies.

Seasonal Allergies

Nearly 40 to 60 million Americans suffer from seasonal allergies that are triggered by pollen from grass, weeds, and trees. When a person is sensitive to these allergens, simply inhaling the air outside of their home can trigger their allergies. On high pollen days, these allergy symptoms can flare up and become worse. Seasonal allergy symptoms include runny nose; itchy eyes, mouth, or skin; sneezing; stuffy nose due to blockage or congestion; and fatigue due to poor quality of sleep.

Mold Allergies

Mold allergies are almost parallel to seasonal allergy symptoms. Because of their likeness, many people assume their new allergies are just from the pollen in the air. But if your allergies persist, it could be a symptom of mold. Mold allergies include nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, irritated eyes, coughing, wheezing, and an itchy throat.

Alleviating Mold Allergies

While staying inside your home can help take your seasonal allergy symptoms away, it will do the opposite if you are experiencing mold allergies. Mold allergies can be relieved by using an antihistamine and decongestants but this will not take your symptoms away completely. A key step to addressing your indoor mold allergy is to get rid of the mold in the air. For instant relieve, use an air purifier to filter the air in your home. An air purifier will cycle the air in your home to remove the microscopic mold spores that are floating through the air causing your symptoms. You can also ditch your allergies by getting rid of the mold. Hiring a mold remediation specialist like Environmental Consulting and Contracting Group is the only way to truly control your mold allergies. Our mold remediation service will remove all of the infected material from your home while containing the spores that could shake lose and spread around your home.

Removing the allergen is the only way of getting rid of your mold allergies completely. For more information on getting rid of your mold allergies, call Environmental Consulting and Contracting Group today!

Getting Rid of Mold Allergies with Environmental Consulting and Contracting Group!

If you or a family member suspects the presence of black mold or any other type of mold in your home, contact the professionals at Environmental Consulting and Contracting Group. With more than 30 years in the mold remediation industry, we have the experience and tools to help you. Contact us at 410-258-3579 or 1-877-591-MOLD (6653).

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Environmental Consulting and Contracting Group, Inc. is the area�s premier mold remediation firm servicing Maryland, DC, Virginia and Pennsylvania. We offer mold removal, mold remediation/abatement, mold testing, flood restoration/emergency services, basement waterproofing and foundation/structural repair.
2319 Bond Rd.