There are many different types of white mold including Cladosporium, a well-known trigger for asthma attacks.
We have heard a lot about black mold and the potentially dangerous risks to your health, but what about other molds in your home? Any mold growing in your home should be cause for concern. Molds give off microscopic mold spores that could lead to harmful consequences if they aren’t taken care of quickly. But what is while mold?
Types of White Mold
There are quite a few different species of white mold including aspergillus, Cladosporium, and penicillium. But these molds can often be confused with while mildew as well as efflorescence, a salt deposit found on concrete and masonry surfaces. Efflorescence appears when water seeps through the concrete, brick, or stone. The water evaporates and leaves behind these salt deposits that can be confused with while mold. Unlike mold, efflorescence is easy removed and doesn’t cause health problems.
Health Risks of White Mold
All types of molds can cause health problems, but some types are associated with serious health risks while others only cause allergies. White mold can cause health problems such as difficulty breathing, chronic sinus infections, bronchitis, asthma attacks, migraines, pneumonia, chronic sore throats, skin rashes, hives, general malaise, and exhaustion.
What to Do About It?
If you notice a white substance on your walls, it is important not to touch it. Touching mold can actually help it spread throughout your home and can cause health reactions like rashes and other allergic reactions. If you suspect it is just efflorescence from past experience or from other clues, try dripping a drop of water on the substance. If the powder dissolves, it is just efflorescence. If it doesn’t dissolve, call Environmental Consulting and Contracting for a mold testing as soon as possible. Our mold specialists will come to your home and test the surface of the area and the air in your home to tell what kind of mold it is as well as the best way to get rid of it. This information will help us during the mold remediation so we can remove all traces of mold and mold spores from your home and the air inside. After the remediation, we will filter the air and perform a clearance test. This test will let us know if there is mold found somewhere else in your home so we can take care of that area as well. Once our test comes back negative for traces of mold, we will know our job is finished and your family can return to good health!
Contact Environmental Consulting and Contracting Group
If you or a family member suspects the presence of black mold or any other type of mold in your home, contact the professionals at Environmental Consulting and Contracting Group. With more than 30 years in the mold remediation industry, we have the experience and tools to help you. Contact us at 410-258-3579 or 1-877-591-MOLD (6653).
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Tags: Information, Mold Growth, mold knowledge